Year of construction 2014. RF, Leningrad region, Lomonosov district, Orzhitskoye rural settlement. Church of St. Great Feodor Stratilat (Zashiverskaya).
Year of construction 2014. RF, Leningrad region, Lomonosov district, Orzhitskoye rural settlement. Church of St. Great Feodor Stratilat (Zashiverskaya). In the history of any company there are historically interesting projects (we can say social), which are not only necessary for the company itself, but also for the society of the country as a whole. Understanding of one's historical roots starts with studying the succession of generations in the architecture of buildings, which were significant to our ancestors, and many of which are scattered in lonely pillars across Russia. Dorians LLC has been engaged in such a meaningful undertaking for several years, making surveys of the island of the temple building where this architectural monument was found in the forests deep in Russia. Re-building a copy of this building is the fruit of the work of a large team of like-minded people, and was created as a dominant large country complex o...