2017, Russian Federation, Leningrad region, Lomonosovsky district, n.p. Ropsha. The design and its embodiment of the reconstruction of the attic of a 2-storey country house into a living room. Architect-designer: Abakumov A.Yu.
2017, Russian Federation, Leningrad region, Lomonosovsky district, n.p. Ropsha. The design and its embodiment of the reconstruction of the attic of a 2-storey country house into a living room. Architect-designer: Abakumov A.Yu. There is a well-known proverb: one square meter and 100 dollars are always missing. For this reason, you often want to have a nice office for yourself in a country house away from the mundane domestic fuss. There is no better place for this to come up with how to master an empty attic for this. Men (customers) often ask to come up with a passage to it from their bedroom, but when there is no such technical possibility, then you can continue the stairs from the second floor to the attic. I give an example of my work like this. 2017 г., РФ, Лен. Обл., Ломоносовский район, н.п. Ропша. Дизайн и его воплощение реконструкции чердака 2 этажного загородного дома в жилое помещение. Архитектор-конструктор: Абакумов А.Ю. Есть известная п...