Subcontinental climate - or Why a warm concrete floor in a frame house?
Subcontinental climate - or Why a warm concrete floor in a frame house? A lot of advice has been written about frame houses, and it is hardly worth discussing. But about the microclimate in a frame house there is little truth in advertising leaflets, as about this silence and manufacturers of these houses, and builders. If we consider the frame house in terms of "physics", everything is done to keep the insulation dry in the building structures, and nothing for the man. It is essentially a thermos house. Without expensive and comprehensive ventilation system in it will be: very dry air, large fluctuations in temperature, if the relay heating control circuit is configured for a large range of temperatures (and the fine-tuning of heating of a country house, few installation companies). So you got "sugar" with a sub-continental climate and large variations in both humidity and temperature for short periods during the day. Suppose you had the w...